
Monday, 28 April 2014

Make a book trailer for FREE, in less than an hour!


Here is a demo of what you can do at ZERO cost.

The purpose of this video is as a mere example, nothing more.
It has no continuity, and the music is hardly a match for pic's -it was the only short piece I had on hand- but it took me only 10 minutes to make. Imagine what I could do with an hour -better yet, imagine what YOU could do with an hour! AND, it cost me nothing to make. Let me just say that again... it cost NOTHING! 

 As I said, I made this in 10 minutes. The damn thing took longer to upload than it did to make. Seriously... I hung out a load of washing while I was waiting, and it still wasn't finished, for crying out loud!

I used Windows Movie Maker. If you are using a Mac, iMovie should be on your device. If not, or if you don't like either of these programs, there are free alternatives available to download. Just Google Free Movie Makers. 

I got the music from this very handy royalty-free site...[]=Grooving
There are thousands of options for your trailer on this site, though you can choose from other sites if you prefer. Just remember that you want to use royalty-free so as to avoid violating any copyrights.

A little advice from me when making your trailer: 

1/ Use the same transition between each image. I didn't do this on my demo because I wanted to demonstrate options. 

2/ Same goes for effects. Though there is an exception to this: if your effects flow well into one another and reflect the tone of your story you can get away with using different effects. But still try to limits the number you use. 

3/ You can use more than one piece of music. It's part of the editing program and can add a great deal of depth to your trailer. 

4/ If you haven't used one of these programs before, play around with it first. Make a video of your kids, the last party you went to, take some snaps of whatever interests you and use them, or pretty much anything else you can think of. The point is to get the hang of the program. Be creative, and play with all that your program has to offer.

5/  Add dialogue. There are options to add text or voice over. Again, play with these options and see which you prefer for your trailer.


I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. 
I also encourage anyone with additional tips or links relating to this topic to comment.

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