Over the past couple of years I have begun more frequently to define myself as a writer. Since I no

I don't care if you have written one hundred bestsellers or one chapter of your first book, if you have advice, or an opinion, I will listen with an open mind. I may not agree with you, but I will think about your words and consider your opinion before I make that decision.

I came across one such "Gonna Do" a few days ago. Now, I don't pretend to know everything there is to know about writing the quintessential bestseller, but I do know the mistakes I have already made, and am happy to pass that knowledge along to someone who hasn't had the displeasure of making them yet. I was happy to hear about his experiences, and what he was writing. But, like all good Gonna Do's, he only wanted to talk about his own writing and how fabulous it was, despite only having written two chapters. Still, I didn't hold this against him, and continued to listen to what he had to say. However, when I tried to interrupt his self-aggrandising diatribe with a suggestion based on my own experience of completely destroying my first novel by doing exactly what he was doing, he politely explained that he knew better. He told me it was just how he wrote. Okay, we all have a different process, I can dig that. But I thought I was just "doing what I do" when I made that same mistake. If someone had given me that same advice when writing my first novel, it would be published now instead of being a beloved project that I poured my heart and soul into which is now doing nothing more than taking up space on my hard drive.
So, what did I do? I let him go, let him tell me how fabulous he was, and didn't offer another word of advice for him, all the while with the knowledge that he was heading for disaster.

I'm ashamed to admit, in the past I have made the mistake of thinking I had all the answers, only to find out down the track how wrong I was. So, for your own sakes, don't dismiss the advice of other writers regardless of their accolades. Just listen, take on board what they have to say, question them if you have doubts. But never be so absorbed in your own knowledge that you can't learn something knew by listening to someone you never thought to seek advice from.
I guess before I leave you I should tell you what the advice was. He told me he edits as he goes, that, although he's only written two chapters, he's already edited numerous times. I advised him against it, and told him I killed my first novel by doing exactly that. I even quoted Iain Banks, "Get it finished and then you can go back. If you try to polish every sentence there's a chance you'll never get past the first chapter.” But he told me he knew what he was doing. There were other signs, but that's when I knew he was a Gonna Do.
Have you ever met a Gonna Do?
oh dear, I'm trying to think if I fall into that category! hoping not!!!. I'm a "gonna finish"- one of these days!! - if I can stay focused! ( my series of tiny tales). Very interesting Alana!! And yes, it seems too like everyone I meet now is a "writer" of something or other on Wordpress. But I'm plagued with self doubts always and am glad to hear if others are too :D!! Anyway please keep doing yours!! I'm waiting for the next chapter!
ReplyDeleteI don't think you could fall into that category: you are constantly interested in the work and processes of others', and are very open to advice. Therefore, you are NOT a Gonna Do! ;-) Self doubt is a classic symptom of a real writer --if you don't doubt yourself sometimes, you won't be open to constructive criticism. Over-inflated confidence is a symptom of a Gonna Do, and that's why they will never improve or, even worse, relate to their audience. So, be confident in your self doubt ;-P
DeleteAnd I'm sorry the next chapter is taking so long. I've been crazy-busy this last week, but I will get on it in the next couple of days! =D