What do you do when you're suffering writer's block?
I guess you write about not being able to write? Well, I'm trying it anyway. There is some small iota of hope that simply writing, anything, will dislodge whatever seems to have fixed itself to the fibers of my creative mind.
For the past six months I've been hard pressed to get a thousand words a month out, when previously I was managing a thousand a day.
Perhaps some miniscule alien has burrowed through my skull and rewired my brain? Or maybe it laid eggs and a million more little aliens are running amok in there, chewing holes through it. Oh, God! My brain is becoming Swiss cheese as we speak.
Screw it... I think my only salvation lies at the bottom of a beer bottle.
Unless someone else has any suggestions?
Seriously though, if anyone else has been through the dreaded block, and can offer some advice, it would be warmly received.