You’ve heard the old saying, it’s better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all?
Well I call bullshit!

I’d rather never have had that, than to feel the
perpetual ache left behind –the pain without the pleasure.
I remember the first time we met: those azure eyes; a
smile that lit the room on fire. When he looked at me, I felt like a giddy
schoolgirl. That wasn’t love though.
I remember weeks of flirting. Weeks of
electricity-filled glances, light brushes of hands, perfectly timed quips, and
those eyes. I remember those eyes burning a hole through my resolve. That
wasn’t love though.
And I remember the first time we kissed. I don’t
remember what we were talking about, or how we came close enough to one another
for a kiss to transpire. But I remember his hand on the back on my neck, his
fingers tenderly curling through my hair. I remember his lips, soft and
yielding. His tongue, gentle and caressing. I remember the burning that filled
me, my heart swelling to the point I thought it would burst from within me. I
remember the detail of every sensation, because that was the moment I fell in

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